Introduction to wii just dance — Buy Just dance 2 wii — Buy Just Dance Wii

December 16, 2010

Introduction to wii just dance

Just Dance 2 for Wii
Just Dance 2
wii just dance buy it here
"Just Dance 2" is a high-energy dance game available for the Wii. This sequel is even better than the original. "Just Dance 2" brings the hits from KeSha and Katy Perry to oldies but goodies such as "Iko Iko" and "Walk Like an Egyptian.

This week's charts, with data taken from December 9th, 2010, find Ubisoft's Just Dance 2 heading multiplatform sales in North America and Europe, while Capcom's Monster Hunter Portable 3rd reports impressive sales in Japan.

Strut your stuff with Just Dance 2 for the Nintendo Wii, which has fantastic songs and moves ...

Buy it here now.